Thursday, March 30, 2017

COHABITATION aka "Kam We Stay"

Topic: COHABITATION or "Kam We Stay" ---(3/28/2017)
Get ready for today's Hot Topic on dDTalks at 9PM EST.
Another Hot & Interesting Topic. The number keeps growing year in & out for the couples who opt to cohabit. The question plaguing us all about this new phenom is, does this practice make sense in the long run?
Click on the link below to see how we explore both sides of this topic.
Song credit- Josey's "diplome"
& Yvonne Chaka Chaka "Thank U Mr DJ"

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Sweet Nothings (Pillow Talks)

TGIF - Sweet Nothings  (3/24/2017)

You know those conversations that really mean nothing other than good flattery? Well those are sweet nothings. Some say it has it's place in relationships, and others don't believe that it makes a difference.
Watch the link below for more details on dDtalk Live.
#pillowtalks #sweetwhispers #love #sweetness #dDtalks #bereal

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Love & Honor yourself

Topic: let's talk 
Love & Honor yourself   2/1/2017

How you project yourself has a direct correlation with how people perceive you. 
So it's important to love and honor yourself first before expecting it from people

Click on the link to watch the video that further discusses this topic.

Why Do We Settle?

dDTalks on: "Why Do We Settle"
Join In & Participate (2/7/2017)

Couple of nights a week with dDTalks discussing real issues on Curvy matters.
Join live. Pls Share & tag your friends & family.
Time is 9pm EST | 8pm CST | 6pm PST
Let's tackle it together
#tuesdaystopic #whydowesettle
(U r tagged with love ❤️)

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The "Other" Woman

Let's be real! It's adult conversation
Topic: The Other Woman
Invite & tag.

This will be a good topic! 
Let's tackle it together. Your feedback matters.

There were so many different angles to this conversation.
You'd have to click on the link below to hear more.

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Oh - The Things We Do For Love!!! (Vals Day)

Oh - The Things We Do For Love!!!
How far would you go for love?
Join the talk, share & tag someone

It's a day set aside just for love. How far would you go for love?

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone😘😘
Join dDTalks tonight @ 9pm EST. Tag, invite & share.

Remember this:
"....And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love....."

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dDTalks "When Roles Get Reversed"

Sometimes, the tables do turn & the roles get reversed! What happens when roles are switched? Hmmmmmm! That's a hot topic ðŸ”¥!
At 9PM EST, plug in to listen & participate in this discussion with dDTalks. Share, tag & forward to & with your friends/family. Don't listen alone

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"Married Or Dating, YET Alone"

We are live! Welcome to dDTalks.
Topic: "Married Or Dating, YET Alone"
Let's talk about it. Join the conversation

Rendez-vous With dDTalks Tonight!!! 
Yup, Let's talk about it. There's no me without you!
And today's hot topic is hot...🔥🔥🔥
"Married or Dating Yet Single!" Wahala...
It's Tuesday. If you are a parent, Finish homework early with the kids & tuck them in bed. If are working, hurry home so you can plug in to the dialogue. It will be happening live right here on Facebook.

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Sleeping With "The Enemy"

Sleeping With "The Enemy"
That's the topic with dDTalks Tonight.

It's Thursday & it's Talk Time with dDTalks. Get ready to listen & participate. Your opinions make a huge difference.
Topic is ---> Sleeping With "The Enemy"
Time is ---> 9PM EST
*So who's the enemy? Tune in to find out.
*Are you sleeping with one? Let's figure it out.
*What should u do about it? ....let's discuss it.
Tag, Share & Invite all your friends & loved ones. It's a real dialogue & we are streaming live!!!

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On dDTalks Tonight, it's about 
Whose are you really seaking?

Tuesday's Topic on dDTALKS is an everyday human issue that we have to deal with.
Have you heard these statements before?
"They like me, they hate me, they love me, they rejected me, they denied me ...etc etc"?
It all has to do with the topic tonight.
Join the conversation at 9PM EST.
Invite, Invite & Invite. Then Share & Tag with every one you know.
#realtalk #dDTalks #letstalk #acceptance #approval

Follow live on Facebook.

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Crowning of a "MamiPikin" Queen/Role Model

So today (March 11/2017) was a memorable day for me. At the NoMamiPikinTalks Edition 3, they introduced the crowning of a "MamiPikin" Queen/Role Model. Guess who has the very first historic privilege? Yours truly.

I want to applaud Eurykah Fon Ndumu for the being the visionary behind this movement. Great job to her crew as well. They've been doing an excellent job.

Watch Video here:

Live, death & its fickleness

Short Session Tonight.
Live, death & its fickleness

Watch Video Here:

The Cart Before the Horse?

Thursdays at 9PM EST on dDTalks. Let's make it a date night. Clear your schedule & let's discuss.
Today's Topic: "The Cart Before the Horse?"

Ever felt like some things are out of order? Like you have the wrong foot forward? Come prepared for the talk.
See you in a couple of hours. Can't wait! I'm excited

Watch video here:

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"The Double Standards in High Places" ..too

How many know that our universe is loaded with "double Standards". And now it creeps up in "High Places" too?
Topic: "The Double Standards in High Places" ..too
No, I don't have all the answers. But we can begin by acknowledging & addressing the issue.
Thursday with dDTalks @ 9PM EST. Should be an interesting one. Don't miss it. Right her on Live stream. Invite your peeps.

#StayingGreenToday #KidneyAwarenessDay #TheIyaFoundation
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Self Induced Pressure

We hear of "Self Induced Pressure" quite frequently these days.
Make it a date with dDTalks at 9pm tonight as we tackle this topic. Are you too hard on yourself? Are u even cruel to self? Why do we beat ourselves up so much?
See you at 9pm EST.
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Thursday, March 2, 2017

When Money Speaks!

You know what day it is!!
New Week! New Topic!
It's Tuesday with dDTalks & we will be discussing :
"When Money Speaks"

Yes, money has a language. When it speaks, what does it say?
Invite, share, tag & forward.
Watch topic below.

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Adversity: When things fall apart...Hold Your Head Up

Life throws us curve balls every now & then. It's actually part of the journey.
Tonight on dDTalks, we will be discussing "Adversity".
What do you do when you are faced with adversity? Bring your ideas to the table.
And Yes it's a broad topic, but let's take a stab at it.
See you at 9PM.
Tag, share, invite & follow!

Watch video below on facebook.

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