Monday, December 31, 2007

* Can We Erase Mediocrity?

State of Mind When Written:
Constantly tired of seeing myself and the people I know to be of where I originate from settling more and more for less and compromising in areas where non is needed. Seeing ourselves loosing our self-esteem and resigning to nothingness because we no longer think but actually believe there's no other outlet. Just being sick and tired of being dominated by mediocrity instead of excellence. For simply being in a place where I desire more and remain willing to improvise news ways of getting there if that's what it takes.

I have always marveled at how gifted and blessed we are as a people! Yet, we only utilize a fraction of our potential! Is it because we are scared of our own aspirations, or we fear being labeled as over achievers? Even worse, is it because we have been trained without even realizing it to settle for average because it is as good as excellent? Where just getting by will do the trick and long-term planning has exposed our lack of foresight? Or is it because we have failed to nurture excellence and simply rejoiced in our mediocrities for the safety nest it creates?

Now, the problem in my opinion is not that accepting mediocrity is such a bad thing. The underlying problem with this is the fact that it unknowingly reflects in so many other areas of our lives. Over time this same level of mediocrity will affect our value system. It would reflect in our choices for the schools we attend or send our children; it would reflect in our pay-scale at work because the base pay will be just fine; it would be seen in the type of places we choose to congregate in or in the level of expectations we have for our leaders and the standards we uphold them to; even the type of products we import into our countries (rejected tires, old cars, clothes, shoes, appliances etc and I could go on) will be indirectly impacted. Needless to say though, I also understand that when you don’t have, anything is just as good. I have been there and can relate. I’ve benefitted from the benevolence of mediocrity. However, what I question is whether or not we should be subjected to receiving and accepting anything simply because we have nothing or feel obligated to wait till we can actually get what we want and go for it. Can a beneficiary be allowed choices? Maybe just enough isn't such a bad idea if it means a chance at dignity today so that we can shoot for excellence tomorrow.

Even as I say these things, let me caution that when it comes to excellence or above average and beyond the norms, I am mindful that not everyone desires it or will attain it. I’m yet to get there myself. But because excellence is relative, for the consciously willing who honestly and earnestly strife for it, they might invariably attain it without necessarily waiting for all the societal accolades. Thankfully while in the process, their individual achievements would eventually serve as collective gains.

Permit me to ask though, can we expect and task ourselves to more without reservations? Is erasing a mindset of mediocrity achievable for us as a people? I challenge you, because I am equally gravitating on that path myself, to rise up and demand more for yourself and everything else that you represent. We just might see different results if we made the effort.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

* This ma backside sef.....

A little while back, I was wearing some jeans and one of my favorite tops as I made some errand runs for the weekend. It was the type of top that does justice to your body and accentuates all your curves just the way you want them to. Are u feeling me there? I wasn't looking my Sunday's best, but I was feeling good about myself and minding my own business while I walked past some Latino brothers. Their comments and compliments is what jolted me back to the reality of the moment. I could hear them ogling, whistling and whispering at me. I could have easily gotten offended and declared that I was being disrespected or harassed as my diversity awareness video at work teaches me, but instead I smiled back at them as if to say they had my permission to admire and compliment me in any way that suited them.

Okay, let me be honest here, I was actually enjoying that sudden attention. Those are the kinds of little things that actually turn out to constitute the highlight of my day. I reveled in it as they uttered words like "mamamiya, senorita ...." and what have you. Most of the other words, I couldn't pick up. For a few seconds, I regretted why I hadn't taken my self learning Spanish lessons more seriously. I was dying to understand what they were saying. I knew however that from the glare on their faces, their smiles and body language, it had to have been some flattering words. This scenario created a vivid flashback of life back home. Of how each time when I would come out of a taxi to go to "Marche Centrale", the "garri boys" or sidewalk vendors would almost terrify me with their crude method of paying compliments. Now that was what I called a very thin line between complimenting and harassing. Their animalistic instincts were untamed and they took pride in it. I'm sure if they were even given a chance to clean up, they would have opted out. They had become so good at it. With them, you couldn't win for loosing. If you were too thin, you spelled out trouble. Too voluptuous, you made their day. Too tall or too short, you stood out. Was there a definition to a perfect woman for these men?

Later that day, I began to ponder! What triggers that kind of rush in men? Was I getting all that attention simply for swaying those hips, or moreso because of my behind? And if you've met me, you'd understand why I dare to think that. But Ah ah! This ma backside sef! Na wa oh! I must be favored. I don’t know about you, but I can’t even begin to conceive the thought of life without the highs and lows of such compliments and criticisms. No matter how mundane or refined, it has a place in life’s maze.

So I’ve been thinking about some of those little things that we’ve taken for granted or can’t seem to find a place for because we are so busy trying to catch up with our daily routines that we fail to realize its significance in the formation of our history when we rise up to our tomorrow.
Blog buddies, I’ll save those little things for tomorrow’s blogger.

Friday, December 28, 2007

* On Benazir Bhutto - The ultimate prize

OMG!! Benazir Bhutto!
Alive yesterday, buried today!
Waoh! And you begin to wonder…..

You would actually think the world in which we live in is actually moving in a certain direction; in one whereby our leaders can come to a common table of resolutions because they recognize that the have different strategies for a shared interest; where our leaders can realize that diplomacy can actually end in talk without the use of weaponry; where our leaders can finally allow their civilians to go to sleep with both eyes closed because they know their leaders will smooth it out in their game of minds; where naively I think blood must not be shed for change to be attained; where our leaders recognize that their actions and greed while in power invariably affects the very people whose interests they sought to represent.

What a world! Today’s realism is pathetic! How far away are we from that idealism?

Sadly and dauntingly, the ultimate prize of passionate leadership and activism seems to be death. I can relate with the notion of making sacrifices to bring about change, trigger a movement or create revolution. But what I can’t relate to is where death fits into this picture. Although, throughout history, the death of such leaders has ironically marked the true birth and evolution of everything that they stood for! And somewhere in our humanness and subconscious, our ability to relate to idealist philosophies and principles only begins to truly resonate when it’s triggered by abrupt and dramatic happenings!

Well, she’s made the list! The list of leaders who have paid that ultimate prize.
May her family be comforted! May her country find peace! May the world learn from this!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

* Sisters, Let's Make a Difference

Sisters, Let’s Make a Difference
By diane Daiga 12/26/07

State of Mind when writing:
This piece was always in me. I just decided to let out today.

We hear our brothers complaining everyday about how much we’ve changed.
My sisters, let’s listen and make some positive changes.
We hear them saying we don’t cook their dinners anymore.
My sisters, let’s listen and cook for them.
We hear them saying we have stopped loving the way we used to.
My sisters, let’s listen and love them till all they know is our love for them.

Our brothers say we are not supportive anymore.
They say we are closed up and focus only on ourselves.
They say we are suing them more and more.
They say we don’t respect them enough.
They say we minimize their input and overlook their dreams for us.
They say we let them down when they depend on us.
How sad it is to see our brothers cry in silence and accept the abnormal as normal.
Can’t we make it better for them?
Can’t we change that image and story for them?
Can’t we bring back that smile on their faces?
Can’t we restore their faith in the family structure?

I think we can my sisters. We need to make that difference today.
We need to be relentless, because it’s going to take more than a day.
We need to be patient, because that’s how long it will take to effect that change.
We need to be calm, because there’ll be crazy days of frustration ahead of us.
We need to be strong, because on some days, our brothers will be weak.
We need to be present, so that we don’t regret yesterday’s actions tomorrow.
We need to be trustworthy, so they can rebuild their faith.
We need to be dependable, so that they can believe again.
We need to be loving because that will be the source of our strength.

So my sisters, if we just do our part and let them worry about theirs,
We would be making a difference.
If we just play our roles and complain less, because I know we will,
Then we can free our minds that the blame is no longer on us.
But my sisters, to make that difference, we must start by changing today.

* Preparing for U

I’ve been preparing….For U
To my future life partner, I want you to know that I have been preparing for you.
By diane Daiga 12/26/07

State of Mind when written:
For some time now, I have been praying for an expected ending! My heavens have opened up and I know all my requests are being answered in no predefined order. As I watch each request unfold, I rejoice, adjust and reposition myself in anticipation of the next one. While I await this new revelation, I capture my anticipation in this rhetoric.

Even though I may not know you yet, I have been preparing for the day we will meet.
Even though our paths may not have crossed yet, I am anticipating that day.

Sometimes I wonder if we would like ourselves when we first meet.
Sometimes I wonder if you are going to be warm and cordial or simply arrogant and snobbish.
Sometimes I wonder how long it would take us to recognize each other.
Sometimes I wonder where and how we will meet; by chance or by accident.
Either way, it would have to be predestined.
Sometimes I wonder how your smile will be, if they would reflect in your eyes.
Sometimes I wonder how strong or soft your voice would be!
Sometimes I just wonder and go to sleep smiling with anticipation.

And then there are times when I wonder, perhaps we may have already met.
Perhaps we couldn’t stand each other when we met.
Perhaps we were too oblivious and had other things in our minds.
Perhaps we had different expectations of what it would be like.
Perhaps we ended up being disappointed that it wasn’t what it thought out to be.
Perhaps my priorities were off course and you couldn’t reason with me.
Perhaps I wasn’t welcoming enough and you weren’t encouraging at all.
Perhaps you were too subtle and I was too expectant.

So what do we do now?
Do we pretend it never happened and start all over?
Do we just say to heck with it and keep on threading our different paths?
Or do we give it a second try and make it right?

And if indeed we’ve already met, then let’s stop the anxiety and reveal ourselves to one another.
I have been anticipating this for too long and now want my reality.
I think the time has come for us to journal the stories of our lives together.
I know now is the right time for us to share those special moments together.
Yes, it is time for us to create our traditions and get on with the rest of our lives.

I have written so many chapters already, but somewhere in the middle, you are missing.
I need you to help me complete that story book.
I need you to create that beautiful ending for us because it remains incomplete without you.

So my question to you is…
Aren’t you missing me too?
Can’t you tell the void is getting bigger with each passing day?
How can you not feel this when it’s so tangible?
Listen, I’ll need you to recount your thoughts when we finally recognize each other.

In any case, what I know now is that, when we meet or do meet again, it would be right.
The trumpets will sound and bells will ring in accord for our endless journeys would have found its destination.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

* That Place! My Haven!

That Place! My Haven!
Goodbye to My Yesterday
By dianeDaiga – 12/21/07

State of Mind When Written:
After a brief period of emotional turmoil and worry about the unknowns in my life and situational crises I’ve been facing, I prayed for guidance and a revelation from the Lord! This piece came to me as a calm wave to soothe my anxiety and provide answers to my quest.
So to all everyone who comes across this piece, I hope you would find your haven as I did mine.

Today, I welcome this new day, this new beginning and this new me!
Today, I say goodbye to my yesterday, the old me and my baggage.
Today, I carry with me, the good things of my yesterday.
Today, I celebrate something new, something deep, something profound.
Today, I rejoice for my discoveries of inner-self.

You know, I have come a long way. I have walked a path that so many have in different ways, but so few will treasure its lessons. It is these lessons that have propelled me to this new beginning. We are all given a new day for continuity or new beginnings. I have chosen the path of new beginnings with hopes of maintaining continuity.

I needed this because I have been let down, just as much as I have let others down.
Because I have been laughed at in the same way that I did others.
Because I have been betrayed, as I’m sure I have to some out there.
Because I have been disrespected!
Because I have felt dishonored!
Because I have been through trials!
Because I have been lied to!
Because I have been disappointed!
Because I have been wronged!
And surely, it was because somewhere along the line, I may have done most if not all those things to someone else. I was simply being given a dose of my own medication.
Oh, and it hurt so badly. Through it all, I cried so many nights.

But today, I choose to fault no-one.
First, I have forgiven myself for my own wrongdoings,
for my self disrespect and for my own mistakes.
And I have ultimately forgiven all those who hurt me…..
Knowingly or unknowingly!
I assure you, it’s a good place to be.

To all my family members who ever wronged me, I have forgiven you.
To all my friends who hurt me in various ways, I hold nothing against you.
To all those men who walked in and out of my life, you caused me pain,
yet even you, I have forgiven.
I have forgiven because it feels right for me.
Because it is good for my heart and my tomorrow.
It has healed me and brought me to that place.

So I have found that place.
A place of calm collectedness and fortitude.
A place where honesty is my only way out.
A place of self forgiveness because the love of self is primordial.
A place of joyful living because I am spiritually elevated.
It is a place of acceptance, for the things I can’t change and the ones I can change.
I have come to that place where I am just contented for my gift of life.
A place where you know that saying goodbye might not be such a bad thing after all.
A place where each stride marks a new beginning.
A place where I am no longer conflicted about my values.
A place of knowing where I uniquely fit in the larger realm of things.

In that place, I am celebrating the good from yesterday.
I am celebrating my family, simply because!
I am celebrating my new and lifelong friendships.
For teaching me through time what friendship and loyalty really means.
Because of you, I enviously desire more of our friendships everyday.
I am celebrating my fellow brothers who believed that respecting and treating a sister right was not a luxury but a right. I smile and pray for you for being visionary and gentlemanly.
And even for the brothers who couldn’t do right by me, I celebrate you today because you knew no better. But those experiences brought me to this wholesome me today.

I’ll tell you what though, that place is a good place.
Where fighting my battles means pacing myself and enjoying the journey while going at it.
Where getting to my destination is a certainty because I’ve convinced myself to overlook the natural challenges that I’ll face along the way.
Where getting there is not about how fast I got there, but about how efficiently I get there.
Where getting there is about whom I meet and how I affect or impact them along the way.
Because that place is about living meaningfully and purposefully.
That is a place where you know your dreams will come true for sure as long as you stay the course.
It is a place of resting assured that I will have an expected ending because He has promised me so.

That Place, I Call It My New Haven.